Werken bij QRP
Op deze pagina vind je alle informatie over werken bij QRP.
We willen je laten zien hoe het is om deel uit te maken van het QRP-team.
Veel plezier met scrollen en het ontdekken van alle mogelijkheden om bij ons te werken!
Developing Professionals to Facilitate Changes
Bij QRP is het onze ambitie om een voortdurend leertraject te creëren. Wij geloven dat mensen al het verschil maken. We geven veel om de uitvoering hiervan en hoe we dit bereiken.
We geloven dat dit de juiste manier is voor onze klanten en ook voor onze werknemers.
QRP staat voor Kwaliteit (Quality), Resultaten (Results) en Mensen (People). We zijn toegewijd aan het leveren van training en service van de hoogste kwaliteit aan onze klanten en geloven dat al onze inspanningen resultaat moeten opleveren. Wij geloven dat mensen het verschil maken. Het leveren en onderhouden van een hoogopgeleid en gemotiveerd team is de sleutel tot ons succes.
Onze Core Values
Bij QRP International leven we onze vier Core Values na:
- We doen ons uiterste best om onze klanten gelukkig te maken
- We werken graag samen als een team
- We houden ons aan ons woord
- We zijn toegewijd aan onze professionele ontwikkeling

Gelukkige Klanten
Onze eerste Core Value is dat we ons uiterste best doen om onze klanten gelukkig te stellen. Wij geloven dat de tevredenheid van onze klanten het belangrijkste aspect van ons bedrijf is. We streven ernaar om te begrijpen wat onze klanten willen leren. Vaak genoeg overtreffen we hun verwachtingen door het leveren van een uitstekende service en het organiseren van kwaliteitstraining. Wanneer we feedback ontvangen, is het onze prioriteit om hiernaar te luisteren en zo onze diensten voortdurend te verbeteren.

Gelukkig Team
De tweede Core Value van QRP is teamwork. Wij geloven dat we meer kunnen bereiken als we samenwerken. We stimuleren samenwerking en open communicatie tussen onze teamleden om ervoor te zorgen dat iedereen op één lijn zit en aan dezelfde doelen werkt. We begrijpen ook het belang van diversiteit en inclusie en streven ernaar een omgeving te creëren waarin alle teamleden zich gewaardeerd en ondersteund voelen.

Ons Woord
Bij QRP houden we woord. Ons woord is wat ons bindt en we geloven dat eerlijkheid en integriteit essentieel zijn voor het opbouwen van sterke relaties met onze klanten, teamleden en partners. We nemen verantwoordelijkheid voor onze acties en streven er altijd naar om te doen wat juist is, zelfs als dat misschien niet de gemakkelijkste weg is. We begrijpen dat we, door ons aan ons woord te houden, bijdragen aan een cultuur van vertrouwen en verantwoordelijkheid binnen en buiten onze organisatie.

Voortdurend Leren
Tot slot zetten we ons voortdurend in voor onze professionele ontwikkeling. We geloven dat het essentieel is voor onze werknemers om continu te blijven leren en te groeien, om zo betrokken en competitief te blijven. Op deze manier kunnen we onze klanten diensten van hoge kwaliteit leveren. We moedigen onze teamleden aan om trainingen en opleidingen te volgen: iedereen krijgt de kans om 1 of 2 opleidingen per jaar te volgen om deze Core Value waar te maken.
Kom bij ons werken!
Verhalen van ons Team

I define myself as a resilient woman, a real life warrior, with a lot of strengths but also weaknesses. When I started working at QRP I was a bit nervous, because this was a new experience. My first job, new people; everything was new. Initially I was a bit shy, but I quickly started to feel part of the team. One of the best things about working at QRP is that we really “enjoy working together as a team” and everyone is friendly and helpful.

Hello! I am the finance Manager of the company, I work with data, numbers and cash flow and I like to talk about those a lot. More than I would admit.
What I love about QRP? The trust, the care, the international enviroment. And the food. For me one of the “perks” of QRP are its Core Values. You can really feel them alive in the company. And free coffee.

I’m Sarah, I’m 23. I’m newly graduated from a master’s degree in marketing, communication and events in Lyon in France. After the different internships I did in Italy, I’ve decided to move in the gorgeous country and thus I joined QRP.
One of the best things about working at QRP are the people. We’ve got an amazing team, each bringing their own skills, passion and a real love for what they do.

Staying more than 10 years in the same company is becoming exceptional in todays business environment. People think often they need to change to grow. I have the opposite feeling. As QRP has changed already so much since I started, it feels like being part of an evolving organisation, where I can meet so many new people. On top of that my role evolved from administration, marketing, sales to management and coaching.

Passionate about tourism and volleyball, I returned to Italy after an enriching experience abroad. At QRP, we celebrate diversity, with a team representing 11 nationalities—a true asset that enriches our work culture! Our success stems not only from our collaboration but also from the fun we share. Thanks to our vibrant social committee, we enjoy unforgettable events, making QRP a place where work and team spirit go hand in hand.
Onze Voordelen en leuke Extra’s
QRP International biedt je de mogelijkheid om te blijven leren en groeien omdat we veel waarde hechten aan onze persoonlijke ontwikkeling. Bij QRP heb je de flexibiliteit om op afstand te werken en toch naar kantoor te komen om je team te zien. Ons Diversiteits & Inclusiviteits initiatief merk je aan het feit dat we meer dan 10 nationaliteiten in ons team hebben, en aan ons Buddysysteem. QRP zet jaarlijks een deel van de winst opzij voor elke persoon die wordt opgeleid in het kader van charity.
Blijven Leren & Groeien
Je kunt tot 2 trainingen per jaar volgen in jouw vakgebied en met betrekking tot onze producten. Elk jaar krijg je de kans om je welzijn binnen het bedrijf te evalueren en kun je de behoefte aan meer training aangeven.
Flexibiliteit & Leuke Kantoor Extra’s
We hebben een smart office beleid zodat je af en toe thuis kunt werken, maar we hechten er ook waarde aan om onze collega’s wekelijks op kantoor te ontmoeten. Op kantoor kun je genieten van vers fruit, gratis snacks en andere lekkernijen.Diversiteit & Inclusiviteit
We bieden een internationale werkomgeving met meer dan 10 verschillende nationaliteiten. Als je wilt, krijg je een buddy toegewezen zodat je je snel op je gemak voelt binnen de organisatie.Jaarlijkse Charity Initiatieven
We hebben de afgelopen jaren verschillende charity initiatieven onder de arm genomen en verschillende organisaties gesteund. QRP stelt een deel van haar winst beschikbaar voor elke persoon die een opleiding volgt.Open Vacatures
QRP International is looking for a PRINCE2 Trainer (full proficiency French). The Trainer will be responsible for conducting onsite and/or online training according to the QRP standards in all aspects of Trainers Performance and preparing candidates to achieve relevant business certifications.
The standards will be extensively explained and shown during the Train The Trainer path. An excellent communicator, able to explain complex subjects in a clear and interesting way, extremely knowledgeable in his/her field of expertise and possess solid consulting experience. The ideal candidate will be passionate about education, able to undertake a variety of responsibilities including delivery of training, leading students to certification and implementing Best Practices.
The goal is to contribute to the development of people’s management skills that will make them better professionals in order to meet organisational needs.
- Able to embrace QRP Core Values in everyday work
- We do our utmost to make our clients happy
- We enjoy working together as a team
- We keep our word
- We are committed to our professional development
- Independent worker with great presentation skills
- Fast and creative learner who likes to be supported by an international environment
- Outstanding communication skills and comfortable speaking to crowds
- Excellent organisational and time-management abilities
- Experience in Project Management
- Certification in PRINCE2 and PMP (DESIRABLE)
- Proficient French and English C2
- Knowledge of modern training techniques and tools (DESIRABLE)
- Thorough knowledge of PRINCE2/PMP/AgilePM/PM²/HERMES (DESIRABLE)
- Consultancy Experience
- Proven experience as trainer (DESIRABLE)
- Based in Belgium
QRP International is looking for a PMP Trainer (full proficiency French). The Trainer will be responsible for conducting onsite and/or online training according to the QRP standards in all aspects of Trainers Performance and preparing candidates to achieve relevant business certifications.
The standards will be extensively explained and shown during the Train The Trainer path. An excellent communicator, able to explain complex subjects in a clear and interesting way, extremely knowledgeable in his/her field of expertise and possess solid consulting experience. The ideal candidate will be passionate about education, able to undertake a variety of responsibilities including delivery of training, leading students to certification and implementing Best Practices.
The goal is to contribute to the development of people’s management skills that will make them better professionals in order to meet organisational needs.
- Able to embrace QRP Core Values in everyday work
- We do our utmost to make our clients happy
- We enjoy working together as a team
- We keep our word
- We are committed to our professional development
- Independent worker with great presentation skills
- Fast and creative learner who likes to be supported by an international environment
- Outstanding communication skills and comfortable speaking to crowds
- Excellent organisational and time-management abilities
- Experience in Project Management
- Proficient French and English C2
- Knowledge of modern training techniques and tools (DESIRABLE)
- Thorough knowledge of PRINCE2/PMP/AgilePM/PM²/HERMES (DESIRABLE)
- Consultancy Experience (DESIRABLE)
- Proven experience as trainer (DESIRABLE)
- Based in Belgium
QRP International is looking for an ITIL Trainer (full proficiency French). The Trainer will be responsible for conducting onsite and/or online training according to the QRP standards in all aspects of Trainers Performance and preparing candidates to achieve relevant business certifications.
The standards will be extensively explained and shown during the Train The Trainer path. An excellent communicator, able to explain complex subjects in a clear and interesting way, extremely knowledgeable in his/her field of expertise and possess solid consulting experience. The ideal candidate will be passionate about education, able to undertake a variety of responsibilities including delivery of training, leading students to certification and implementing Best Practices.
The goal is to contribute to the development of people’s management skills that will make them better professionals in order to meet organisational needs.
- Able to embrace QRP Core Values in everyday work
- We do our utmost to make our clients happy
- We enjoy working together as a team
- We keep our word
- We are committed to our professional development
- Independent worker with great presentation skills
- Fast and creative learner who likes to be supported by an international environment
- Outstanding communication skills and comfortable speaking to crowds
- Excellent organisational and time-management abilities
- Experience in IT Governance & Service Management
- Proficient in French
- Knowledge of modern training techniques and tools (DESIRABLE)
- Thorough knowledge of ITIL/TOGAF/COBIT (DESIRABLE)
- Consultancy Experience (DESIRABLE)
- Proven experience as trainer (DESIRABLE)
- Based in Belgium
QRP International is looking for a SAFe Trainer (full proficiency French, English or Dutch). The Trainer will be responsible for conducting onsite and/or online training according to the QRP standards in all aspects of Trainers Performance and preparing candidates to achieve relevant business certifications.
The standards will be extensively explained and shown during the Train The Trainer path. An excellent communicator, able to explain complex subjects in a clear and interesting way, extremely knowledgeable in his/her field of expertise and possess solid consulting experience. The ideal candidate will be passionate about education, able to undertake a variety of responsibilities including delivery of training, leading students to certification and implementing Best Practices.
The goal is to contribute to the development of people’s management skills that will make them better professionals in order to meet organisational needs.
- Able to embrace QRP Core Values in everyday work
- We do our utmost to make our clients happy
- We enjoy working together as a team
- We keep our word
- We are committed to our professional development
- Independent worker with great presentation skills
- Fast and creative learner who likes to be supported by an international environment
- Outstanding communication skills and comfortable speaking to crowds
- Excellent organisational and time-management abilities
- Experience in Lean-Agile
- Proficient in French/English/Dutch
- Knowledge of modern training techniques and tools (DESIRABLE)
- Thorough knowledge of SCRUM, LEAN (DESIRABLE)
- Consultancy Experience (DESIRABLE)
- Consultancy experience (DESIRABLE)
- Proven experience as a trainer (DESIRABLE)
- Based in Belgium
QRP International is looking for a CISA and/or CISM Trainer (full proficiency in English, French or Dutch). The Trainer will be responsible for conducting onsite and/or online training according to the QRP standards in all aspects of Trainers Performance and preparing candidates to achieve relevant business certifications.
The standards will be extensively explained and shown during the Train The Trainer path. An excellent communicator, able to explain complex subjects in a clear and interesting way, extremely knowledgeable in his/her field of expertise and possess solid consulting experience. The ideal candidate will be passionate about education, able to undertake a variety of responsibilities including delivery of training, leading students to certification and implementing Best Practices.
The goal is to contribute to the development of people’s management skills that will make them better professionals in order to meet organisational needs.
- Able to embrace QRP Core Values in everyday work
- We do our utmost to make our clients happy
- We enjoy working together as a team
- We keep our word
- We are committed to our professional development
- Independent worker with great presentation skills
- Fast and creative learner who likes to be supported by an international environment
- Outstanding communication skills and comfortable speaking to crowds
- Excellent organisational and time-management abilities
- Experience in cybersecurity, information security management, IT auditing
- Certification in CISA and/or CISM
- Proficient French/Dutch and English C2
- Knowledge of modern training techniques and tools (DESIRABLE)
- Consultancy Experience
- Proven experience as trainer (DESIRABLE)
Stuur CV
Voor een spontane sollicitatie of om te solliciteren voor een openstaande vacature, vul je het onderstaande formulier in en upload je jouw CV met motivatiebrief!