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Tips and interviews

Transferring the best of Lean Manufacturing into Project Management – Interview with Jeff Ball

“I started writing a book ten years ago, and the ideas came slowly, year after year. In 2019, I had a draft of the book - and like-minded clients to test my ideas. In 2020, during the lockdown, I had time to collect everything and publish my book . Discover "Lean Project Management for the repeated success of projects ", the masterpiece of Jeff Ball.
Date: 04/05/2021| Category: Tips and interviews|

Using Best Practices in IT – Interview with Xavier van Lindt

In this interview Xavier van Lindt tells about one of the main struggles in any IT department: communication. Find out how different Best Practices try to tackle this and improve communication of all sorts. Read on
Date: 20/04/2021| Category: Tips and interviews| Tags: ,

Project Management in the non-profit sector – interview with Marta Binaghi

The role of the Project Manager is very complex in any context, but the challenges increase significantly in the non-profit sector. We interviewed Marta Biraghi, a volunteer from the Kibaré Onlus association, to investigate this little-known area.
Date: 13/04/2021| Category: Tips and interviews| Tags:

“Agile systems are great tools to build productivity on trust” – Interview with Eralp Tezcan

Eralp Tezcan, AgilePM and PRINCE2 practitioner knows all about Project Management following different methodologies and frameworks. Great think about Agile - you can even use it to renovate your house. Read on!
Date: 08/12/2020| Category: Tips and interviews| Tags: ,


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