5 Reasons Classroom Based Training Adds Value to Your Learning Experience

Date: 17/06/2019| Category: Tips and interviews| Tags: ,

If your goal is to integrate the new acquired knowledge into your day to day work ASAP, a classroom course surely offers better possibilities than a self study solution.

We asked our trainer and consultant David Maegerman to explain why,  his list of 5 reasons why you should choose a classroom course is the following:

1) The Trainer As Subject Matter Expert

In front of you, there’s a person who’s an expert of the new skills you want to acquire. He/she has real life experience and is able to give practical examples and answer your questions on the spot.

2) Multi Sensory Learning Experience

The best way to integrate new knowledge, is to appeal to as much of your senses as possible. Classroom courses are designed to integrate different of these learning styles:

Auditory learning: learning through listening and hearing. The expert trainer explains us the subject, focusing on the most important parts of the methodology, the tools and techniques.

Visual learning:  in order to better understand the ideas and concepts, drawings on the flipchart are an important tool to integrate new information. Just imagine a PRINCE2 lesson and the impact that could have a drawing that explains you the difference between outputs, business change, outcomes and benefits . A picture says more than a thousand words.  In some cases, you will even see that these drawings are put on the wall and continuously used by the trainer when s/he comes back to the topic.

Kinesthetic learning: this is what we call “learning by doing”. Classrooms are ideal places to exercise on how to put the theory into practice. An important tool in AgilePM is the PRL (Prioritized Requirements List). What better way to understand how to create this tool then to do this in group during the course? It’s that first direct experience that will help you to put into practice what have you learnt during your training  once back in the office.

3) Sharing Experiences And Social Interaction

Each of the participants in the course have their backpack filled with experiences from the past. Some are good, other are bad experiences and both are valuable. By sharing those experiences, everybody in the room can learn from those real life examples (even the trainer).

4) Expert Trainers Who Make The Learning Experience Engaging and Interesting

As trainers, we are there to help you understand the subject and we are able to correct you. You’ll be able to get it right by the end of the course. We are the glue between the subject and all the participants and we will engage everyone so that it becomes a highly valuable experience. The trainer is also able to instantly adapt the learning experience to the needs of the delegates making of it a  personalized learning experience for each individual.

5) Quiet, Dedicated Time Out Of The Office To Really Focus On Your Needs

A classroom training offers you the possibility to take a distance from home and work so that you can deep dive into something new. You can focus on only one thing which will improve the integration of the skills so that you can put it into practice more quickly.

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