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Best Practices Blog

News, updates, resources, tips and interviews: Project, Programme, Portfolio, Agile, IT Governance & Service Management, Change Management.

How to write a project status report

The project status report is a very important document for the processing of a project. If correctly drafted, it allows all the parties involved to be constantly updated on the developments of the works, problems and accidents. In this article we have deepened some fundamental aspects of the project status report and given some tips for a correct compilation.
Date: 19/10/2021| Category: FAQ| Tags:

What are lead and lag time in project management?

As part of Project Schedule Management, 'Lead and Lags' is a technique that involves different processes and refers to the potential advance or delay of the activities in the planning of the project, thus being fundamental in the management of the activities. Answer all your lead and lag time questions by reading this article!
Date: 28/09/2021| Category: FAQ| Tags:

Change Management meets communication – interview with Chiara Badini

In this interview, Chiara Badini talked to us about how she incorporated the Change Mangement framework into her daily work and made an analysis for us of future trends in communication and how this area will change in the near future.
Date: 14/09/2021| Category: Tips and interviews| Tags:

Role and Responsibilities of a Healthcare Project Manager

The medical sector is moving at a fast pace and the healthcare industry has grown exponentially. People are needed to organize and manage that growth, that is where the Healthcare Project Manager comes in. Find out more about this role and its responsibilities.
Date: 07/09/2021| Category: Project Management|


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