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Best Practices Blog

News, updates, resources, tips and interviews: Project, Programme, Portfolio, Agile, IT Governance & Service Management, Change Management.

PMO for the hospital sector: interview with Dries Caremans

The Project Management Office (PMO) is a group or department within an organisation whose job it is to maintain the standards for project management and programme management. In this interview with Dries Caremans you can read more about the function of the PMO within the hospital industry.
Date: 14/12/2021| Category: Tips and interviews|

The benefits of AgilePM in practice – interview with Pascal Bouthillon

What is the difference between AgilePM and other project management methods? For which kind of projects and industries can it be used? This interview with accredited trainer Pascal Bouthillon offers some insights on the benefits of AgilePM in practice.
Date: 30/11/2021| Category: Tips and interviews|

ITIL 4: how to combine strategy and execution?

The ITIL 4 Direct, Plan and Improve (DPI) module comes after the Foundation level and belongs to two streams: ITIL Strategic Leader and ITIL Managing Professional. In this article we have explained the objectives, who it is aimed at and the main aspects of the module.
Date: 23/11/2021| Category: IT Governance & Service Management|

The Squid Game and Best Practices

We dedicated an article to Squid Game, the most watched series in the history of the Netflix platform. Talking about problem solving would be too obvious, so we wanted to go deeper and understand which of the methods, principles and best practices in general among what we usually talk about can be found in this series.
Date: 09/11/2021| Category: Best Practices Glossary|

ITIL and customer satisfaction – Interview with Raffaele Albertini

We interviewed Raffaele Albertini, who has been an IT professional for over 20 years. In this interview we asked him how it is possible to integrate customer requests and needs with the operation of a team using the ITIL framework.
Date: 02/11/2021| Category: Tips and interviews| Tags:


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