Agile Team

Date: 17/06/2019| Category: Agile| Tags: , ,

An Agile team is a group of people that have everything, and everyone, necessary to produce a working, tested increment of product.

This means that Agile teams are:

  • Cross-functional: everyone in an Agile or a SCRUM team has the right competence to complete the job, without depending on someone outside the Agile team.
  • Self-organized: the detailed plans for each step of the project are created by the team members themselves.

Agile Team and the difference with “Traditional” projects

On a traditional project, Project Managers may be actively involved in directing work and telling their team what needs to be done – a style often referred to as “command and control”. Agile is different. Let’s take as example an Agile methodology like AgilePM: in the early stages, the agile Project Manager creates a high level plan, based on outline requirements, and a high level view of the solution to be created. From that point onwards the end project is created iteratively and incrementally, with each increment building on the output of increments preceding it.

With Agile, every team member is transformed into a key player who is part of successful delivery. To this end, two key values for Agile team members are communication and transparency.

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